Monday, July 5, 2010

Cafe World Tips - Maximize your popularity rating to win

There are many things you should do in Cafe World to give you the best opportunity to move up quickly in the ranking. An important Cafe World Tip is to achieve a high popularity rating.

Why You Need a High Popularity Rating in Café World

Everything you do in Cafe World should help to maximize your popularity rating. For example, when you cook a dish you want the customer to desire it. If he/she is satisfied, that will only increase your rating. The more customers you serve and the more dishes you prepare brings you more coins. Just do whatever you can to keep your customers happy and your ratings will rise and so will your success in this game.

Remain focused on improving your customer happiness. Here are some tips to keep in mind in order to accomplish this.

Make Service your primary consideration

You want a nice looking Cafe for your customers to relax and enjoy. However you achieve the most benefit when you make a lot of dishes you can serve to your customers efficiently and fast. Decorating your Cafe is nice but not nearly as essential.

Avoid spending a lot of coin on decorating unless you believe it will greatly increase or at least maintain the number of customers coming in. If you change the table layout to make your Cafe look better, but it drops your rating score because it's less efficient then don't do it.

Maximize your Buzz Rating

Your Buzz Rating is in the top right hand corner of your screen and shows a number of thumbs up. It is an important value of how well your Cafe is doing at that moment. Check it often to see how things are going. For example, if the number drops then your customers are getting unhappy. And things are going well when the number begins to rise.

Serve Your Patrons Quickly

Once your dishes are complete and ready to be served, you need to get them on the tables fast. If they sit on the serving counter, things will back up and customers will begin to get frustrated. You also won't earn nearly as much coin.

Plan your menu so the items you choose get cooked in sync with the time you plan to spend online. If you aren't logged into the game when the dish is ready to be served then it won't get to your patrons in an efficient manner. You should also try to set up the table arrangement in your Cafe to enable your servers to get around quickly. It is not good if the route you've set up to get from Point A to Point B takes them through Point Z! Make sure you hire enough servers to meet customer demand and improve serving speed. This will keep customers happy with the outstanding service you are providing.

So to achieve success in Cafe World, eep your customers happy. Follow these Cafe World tips and you'll be on your way towards building a very profitable and successful Cafe.

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